Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Little Bit About Me

My name is Karalin {You can call me Kara}.
{Pronounced: Care-Uh-Lynn or just Care-Uh}

I am a 20year old from the true Dairy State of Wisconsin.
I'm an aspiring Children's Photographer. {I shoot with Nikon!}
I love positive people/situations. I also love the cool crisp air in Autumn.

I'm not a farm girl but I love the look of old farm houses and the story they have to tell. *Swoon*
We are currently scrounging the housing market for our own treasure with some acreage!

I have a best friend... He's a 22year old heart throb! {At least in my life!}
His name is Matthew. We are set to be hitched in October 2011.

I'm a home-body but I love a good day of shopping the sales.
As a 20year old, I take life pretty seriously.

I've been graduated from high school since I was 17. {My 17th Birthday was my last day!}
I love my family. I love my Fiance. I can't wait to be a wife & mother.
We are going to be TTC starting in June 2012. {I will be 21 & then-Husband will be 23}

I am also so very excited to start my own photography business.
&Someday kick my Etsy business/thoughts off the ground. :]

I'm the friendliest gal {and possibly the most chatty!} that you'll ever meet.

I've been through hard times in my life just like anyone else.
I look ahead. Move on. And find ways to keep a positive attitude and a bright smile upon my face.

Welcome to my Blog.

Thank You for Listening! :]
-Little Miss Kara


  1. Oh my goodness! When i was little I used to be jealous of people with names that were short for something else. Jessi for Jessica. Jenn for Jennifer. I used to pretend my name was Kara short for Carolyn. How silly! And, look.... now here you are :)

  2. Golly, you are too cute! Thanks for the follow, I hope to see more of your blogin' soon! :)
